Amsterdam, Netherlands

Liberal Arts and Sciences

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: arts
Time study: 3 years
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Liberal may refer to:
Liberal Arts
A discussion of the ideal college training from these three different aspects, the highest development of the individual student, the proper relation of the college to the professional school, the relation of the students to each other, would appear to lead in each case to the same conclusion; that the best type of liberal education in our complex modern world aims at producing men who know a little of everything and something well.
Abbott Lawrence Lowell, October 6, 1909, Inaugural Address of the President of Harvard University, published in Science October 15, 1909, p. 502, reported in The New York Observer, p. 505
Liberal Arts
A liberal education is that which aims to develop faculty without ulterior views of profession or other means of gaining a livelihood. It considers man an end in himself and not an instrument whereby something is to be wrought. Its ideal is human perfection.
John Lancaster Spalding, Aphorisms and Reflections (1901), p. 234
Liberal Arts
ARTS, Liberal, or Seven Liberal. The distinction between the liberal arts and the practical arts on the one hand, and philosophy on the other, originates in Greek education and philosophy. In the Republic (Bk. xi.) of Plato, and the Politics (viii. 1) of Aristotle, the ‘liberal arts’ are those subjects that are suitable for the development of intellectual and moral excellence, as distinguished from those that are merely useful or practical. The distinction was always made, by the Greek theorists, between music, literature in the form of grammar and rhetoric, and the mathematical studies, and that higher aspect of the liberal discipline termed philosophy. Philosophy was sometimes called the liberal art par excellence.
Daniel Coit Gilman et al. et. (1905) The New International Encyclopædia, lemma "Arts, Liberal"
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