Letterkenny, Ireland

Applied Approaches to Childhood Autism

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: teacher training and education science
Qualification: Level 7 NFQ
Degree - Ordinary Bachelor (Level 7 NFQ)
University website: www.lyit.ie/
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by troubles with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents usually notice signs in the first two or three years of their child's life. These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace and then worsen.
Childhood is the age span ranging from birth to adolescence. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, childhood consists of two stages: preoperational stage and concrete operational stage. In developmental psychology, childhood is divided up into the developmental stages of toddlerhood (learning to walk), early childhood (play age), middle childhood (school age), and adolescence (puberty through post-puberty). Various childhood factors could affect a person's attitude formation.
If by some magic, autism had been eradicated from the face of the earth, then men would still be socializing in front of a wood fire at the entrance to a cave.
Temple Grandin, Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism (2006).
Sweet childish days, that were as long
As twenty days are now.
William Wordsworth, To a Butterfly.
And he who gives a child a treat
Makes Joy-bells ring in Heaven's street,
And he who gives a child a home
Builds palaces in Kingdom come,
And she who gives a baby birth,
Brings Saviour Christ again to Earth.
John Masefield, Everlasting Mercy, Stanza 50.
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