Vilnius, Lithuania

Economics Engineering

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: economy and administration
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Economics () is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
Engineering is the creative application of science, mathematical methods, and empirical evidence to the innovation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of structures, machines, materials, devices, systems, processes, and organizations. The discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application. See glossary of engineering.
Too often in recent history liberal governments have been wrecked on rocks of loose fiscal policy.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, request to Congress to effect drastic economies in the government (March 10, 1933); in The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933 (1938), p. 50.
Economics is, in essence, the study of poverty.
Ronald Max Hartwell, The Long Debate on Poverty (1972), p. 3
Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man; Communism is the exact opposite.
Coluche, "Les syndicats et le délégué," Coluche : l'intégrale, vol. 3, "1989 chez Carrère".
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