České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Rehabilitative Psychosocial Care for Disabled Children, Adult, and Elders

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: social
Years of study: 3
University website: www.jcu.cz
Biologically, an adult is a human or other organism that has reached sexual maturity. In human context, the term adult additionally has meanings associated with social and legal concepts. In contrast to a "minor", a legal adult is a person who has attained the age of majority and is therefore regarded as independent, self-sufficient, and responsible. The typical age of attaining adulthood is 18, although definition may vary by legal rights and country.
Care may refer to:
The psychosocial approach looks at individuals in the context of the combined influence that psychological factors and the surrounding social environment have on their physical and mental wellness and their ability to function. This approach is used in a broad range of helping professions in health and social care settings as well as by medical and social science researchers.
The welfare of a child is not to be measured by money only, nor by physical comfort only.
Nathaniel Lindley, Baron Lindley, L.J., In re McGrath (Infants), L. R. 1 C. D. (1893), p. 148; reported in James William Norton-Kyshe, Dictionary of Legal Quotations (1904), p. 188.
Train them to virtue; habituate them to industry, activity, and spirit. Make them consider every vice as shameful and unmanly. Fire them with ambition to be useful. Make them disdain to be destitute of any useful knowledge. Fix their ambition upon great and solid objects, and their contempt upon little, frivolous, and useless ones.
John Adams, p. 50.
The first duty towards children is to make them happy. If you have not made them so, you have wronged them. No other good they may get can make up for that.
Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought (1883). London: John Murray, p. 147.
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