Zlín, Czech Republic

Theory and Praxis of the Audiovisual Work

Teorie a praxe audiovizuální tvorby

Language: CzechStudies in Czech
Years of study: 3
University website: www.utb.cz
Audiovisual (AV) means possessing both a sound and a visual component, such as slide-tape presentations, films, television programs, church services and live theater productions.
A theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking. Depending on the context, the results might, for example, include generalized explanations of how nature works. The word has its roots in ancient Greek, but in modern use it has taken on several related meanings.
A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its area of applicability.
Albert Einstein, "Autobiographical Notes," in Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, P. Schlipp, ed. (Cambridge University Press, London: 1949), p. 33
How can we possibly test, or improve upon the truth of a theory if it is built in such a manner then any conceivable event can be described, and explained, in terms of its principles? The only way of investigating such all-embracing principles would be to compare them with a different set of equally all embracing principles- but this procedure has been excluded from the very beginning.
Paul Feyerabend, Against Method (1975) pp. 44-45
The successful development of science requires a proper balance between the method of building up from observations and the method of deducing by pure reasoning from speculative assumptions...
Paul Dirac, “Physical Science and Philosophy”, Nature (1937) Vol. 139, p. 1001.
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