Prague, Czech Republic

Sound Production

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Years of study: 3
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Production may be:
In physics, sound is a vibration that typically propagates as an audible wave of pressure, through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid.
Their rising all at once was as the sound
Of thunder heard remote.
John Milton, Paradise Lost (1667; 1674), Book II, line 476.
You know the sound of two hands clapping; tell me, what is the sound of one hand?
Hakuin Ekaku (1686-1769). The phrase is a Kōan, an irrational comment used in Zen Buddhism in order to assist practitioners in reaching enlightenment.
Which is more musical, a truck passing by a factory or a truck passing by a music school?
John Cage, "Communication", the third of the Composition as a Process lectures given in Darmstadt in 1958 and published in Silence. Many of Cage's works use sounds traditionally regarded as unmusical (radios not tuned to any particular station, for instance): he really did believe that the sound of a truck and the sounds made in a factory had just as much musical worth as the sounds made in a music school. There is also a suggestion expressed in the quote that in order to determine the artistic worth of something, it is necessary to examine the context in which it exists.
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