Barnaul, Russia

Production Technology and Organization of Catering

Технология продукции и организация общественного питания

Language: RussianStudies in Russian
Subject area: engineering and engineering trades
University website:
Production may be:
Technology ("science of craft", from Greek τέχνη, techne, "art, skill, cunning of hand"; and -λογία, -logia) is first robustly defined by Jacob Bigelow in 1829 as: "...principles, processes, and nomenclatures of the more conspicuous arts, particularly those which involve applications of science, and which may be considered useful, by promoting the benefit of society, together with the emolument [compensation ] of those who pursue them" .
Industry controlled by society as a whole, and operated according to a plan, presupposes well-rounded human beings, their faculties developed in balanced fashion, able to see the system of production in its entirety.
Friedrich Engels, Principles of Communism (1847)
Production systems which are technologically the most advanced are also the least adaptable and work to the longest time scale of decision making. These are the process industries (chemical plants, oil refineries and so on) in which vast resources are invested in the creation of a closely programmed and tightly controlled process which will continue to perform the same task over a very long period.
Joan Woodward (1965, 1970), as cited in: Romiszowski, A. J. (2016). Designing Instructional Systems: Decision Making in Course Planning ..., p. 13
Engineering or Technology is the making of things that did not previously exist, whereas science is the discovering of things that have long existed.
David Billington, The Tower and the Bridge: The New Art of Structural Engineering (1983), 9.
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