Cambridge, United Kingdom

Business and Healthcare Management

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: economy and administration
Qualification: BSc
Kind of studies: full-time studies
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
University website:
Business is the activity of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and selling goods or services. Simply put, it is "any activity or enterprise entered into for profit. It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors." The term is also often used colloquially (but not by lawyers or public officials) to refer to a company, but this article will not deal with that sense of the word.
Management (or managing) is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a not-for-profit organization, or government body. Management includes the activities of setting the strategy of an organization and coordinating the efforts of its employees (or of volunteers) to accomplish its objectives through the application of available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources. The term "management" may also refer to those people who manage an organization.
All businesses operate below their true potential. That is unavoidable, given the fallibility of human beings.
Robert Heller, British management journalist and author. 'The Competitors', Chapter 10, The Decision makers (1989).
It's playing with people's lives, like you were playing a slot machine. [...] I love slot machines, but I don't like Russian roulette.
Patient Jina Luther on Tennessee's "Standard Spend Down" healthcare lottery, The Daily Show, June 5, 2013.
Criticism should not be focused on Nazi Germany alone but extend beyond to include physicians in democratic countries, as well. Physicians outside Germany before the war, in the United States in particular were well aware of the evolving racist thrust of the health care system. They chose to remain silent.
William E. Seidelman (1992). Quoted in, The War Against Children of Color: Psychiatry Targets Inner-City Youth (1998), Peter R. Breggin, M.D., Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine, ISBN 1567511279 ISBN 1567511260 ( 2002 ed., ISBN 1567511260 ISBN 9781567511260 ch. 7, Condemned by Science: The Role of Psychiatry in the Holocaust, p. 124. [1]
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