Canterbury, United Kingdom

Early Childhood Studies / Psychology

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: teacher training and education science
Qualification: BA, BSc
Kind of studies: full-time studies, part-time studies
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BA/BSc)
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Childhood is the age span ranging from birth to adolescence. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, childhood consists of two stages: preoperational stage and concrete operational stage. In developmental psychology, childhood is divided up into the developmental stages of toddlerhood (learning to walk), early childhood (play age), middle childhood (school age), and adolescence (puberty through post-puberty). Various childhood factors could affect a person's attitude formation.
Childhood Studies
Childhood studies is an aim to understand the study of children; with examples including arts, humanities, natural and social sciences, medicine, and law. Emphasizing on an interdisciplinary and reasonable way to study the age range of young people between 0 -18; as well as using policy and practice to promote the rights of children.
Early Childhood
Early childhood is a stage in human development. It generally includes toddlerhood and some time afterwards. Play age is an unspecific designation approximately within the scope of early childhood. Some age-related development periods and examples of defined intervals are: newborn (ages 0–5 weeks); infant (ages 5 weeks – 1 year); toddler (ages 1–3 years); preschooler (ages 3–5 years); school-aged child (ages 6–11); adolescent (ages 12–17).
Psychology is the science of behavior and mind, including conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought. It is an academic discipline of immense scope and diverse interests that, when taken together, seek an understanding of the emergent properties of brains, and all the variety of epiphenomena they manifest. As a social science it aims to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases.
Psychology consists of describing states of the soul by displaying them all on the same plane, without any discrimination of value, as though good and evil were external to them, as though the effort toward the good could be absent at any moment from the thought of any man.
Simone Weil, “The responsibility of writers,” On Science, Necessity, and the Love of God, R. Rees, trans. (1968), p. 168
There is nothing fine about being a child: it is fine, when we are old, too look back to when we were children.
Cesare Pavese, This Business of Living, 1945-09-06
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important.
Bertrand Russell in: The Conquest of Happiness, Routledge, 12 October 2012, p. 48
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