Galway, Ireland

Commerce - Global Experience

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: economy and administration
Qualification: Level 8 NFQ
Degree - Honours Bachelor (Level 8 NFQ)
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Commerce relates to "the exchange of goods and services, especially on a large scale.”
Experience is the knowledge or mastery of an event or subject gained through involvement in or exposure to it. Terms in philosophy such as "empirical knowledge" or "a posteriori knowledge" are used to refer to knowledge based on experience. A person with considerable experience in a specific field can gain a reputation as an expert. The concept of experience generally refers to know-how or procedural knowledge, rather than propositional knowledge: on-the-job training rather than book-learning.
Global means of or referring to a globe and may also refer to:
Experience is a dim lamp, which only lights the one who bears it.
Louis-Ferdinand Céline, interview in Writers at Work, Third Series, ed. George Plimpton (1967).
Experience is no more transferable in morals than in art.
James Anthony Froude, Short Studies on Great Subjects, Education.
Experientia docet.
Experience teaches.
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