Dublin, Ireland

Digital Forensics & Cyber Security

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: law
Qualification: Level 7 NFQ, Level 8 NFQ
Studies online Studies online
Degree - Ordinary Bachelor (Level 7 NFQ)
University website: www.tudublin.ie/
Cyber-, from "cybernetic", from the Greek for "skilled in steering or governing", may refer to:
Digital usually refers to something using digits, particularly binary digits.
Security is freedom from, or resilience against, potential harm (or other unwanted coercive change) from external forces. Beneficiaries (technically referents) of security may be persons and social groups, objects and institutions, ecosystems, and any other entity or phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted change by its environment.
To bargain freedom for security is the devil's bargain. Having made the bargain, one enjoys neither freedom nor security.
Gerry Spence, Give Me Liberty! Freeing Ourselves in the Twenty-First Century, Ch. 16 : Security, the One-Way Ticket to Slavery, p. 174 (1998)
No one can build his security upon the nobleness of another person. Two people, when they love each other, grow alike in their tastes and habits and pride, but their moral natures (whatever we may mean by that canting expression) are never welded. The base one goes on being base, and the noble one noble, to the end.
Willa Cather, Alexander's Bridge, Ch. 8 (1912)
No nation can make itself secure by seeking supremacy over all others. We all share responsibility for each other’s security, and only by working to make each other secure can we hope to achieve lasting security for ourselves.
Kofi Annan, Address at the Truman Presidential Museum and Library, Independence, Missouri, USA (11 December 2006)
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